About Me

Chicago, IL, United States
A little over two years ago I turned in the golf shoes for a pair of running shoes, and it's been an exciting journey ever since! Within the last two years, I've run several races between Richmond, VA and Chicago, IL and now I've taken on the ambitious endeavour of running my very first Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 9, 2011! This blog will allow everyone to follow my progress as I train for this event, post comments, encouragements and thoughts.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin!!

I can't believe it, but it's almost here!  In 12 very short days, or 288 hours, I'll be starting my very first Chicago Marathon.  Let the countdown begin!

After a jam-packed weekend of events and the rain that never seems to end, I'm taking a canoe to work tomorrow, I went for a nice three mile run this evening to get the legs nice and loose.  I'll have to say I felt pretty good and am looking forward to a six mile run tomorrow.  After discussing with my roomie, and fellow marathon runner, DJ, I'm going to try to change my diet over the next two weeks to just be a bit more careful that I'm putting things in it that can supply me some energy to get through the race.

Now, on to more important things, like my outfit for race day.  I'm thinking of wearing bright so that you'll be able to pick me out of the sea of 45,000 on Sunday.  When I was walking past The Runner's Edge in Andersonville on Saturday I saw some bright pink and bright orange shirts.  What are your thoughts?  Or should I go with something a little more unique?!

Also, for those readers that are interested and have a free moment, please stop by my fundraising page and show some support for the Catholic Charities "Neighbors in Need" program.  Every little bit makes a difference! -  http://www.active.com/donate/catholiccharitieschi/runkatelynrun

A big THANK YOU! to the following for your support of me running the marathon and Catholic Charities, your kindness is truly appreciated - Colleen Calvey, Erin Cohn, Ursula Slotkus

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