About Me

Chicago, IL, United States
A little over two years ago I turned in the golf shoes for a pair of running shoes, and it's been an exciting journey ever since! Within the last two years, I've run several races between Richmond, VA and Chicago, IL and now I've taken on the ambitious endeavour of running my very first Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 9, 2011! This blog will allow everyone to follow my progress as I train for this event, post comments, encouragements and thoughts.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

This One's for You, Phyllis!

So, I have been training for about 15 weeks now, which I know seems like a ridiculous amount of time but I wanted to put in a few extra runs before the big day, and after a while you begin to see the same people out on the path.  You know what type of shoes they wear, the shorts they prefer to run in and what water fountain they'll always stop to get a drink and catch a breath; they almost become friends to a degree because you always wave at one another.

Well, on Saturday's when I do most of my long runs there has been one person that I consistently see out there, and I won't lie, passes me and puts me to shame while running.  She's about my height, still has her blond hair, runs with an intensity that I only wish I had and is about 70.  Yes, you read that correctly, 70.  For the last 15 weeks I've wondered who she is and how the hell she's remained in such amazing shape.  Well, on Saturday I finally had that question answered when I saw her blazing down the stretch of Ohio Street Beach in her Team World Vision orange shirt with the name "Phyllis" across the front.

So Phyllis, this one's for you!  You're an amazing athlete and I hope to be moving as well as you when I'm 70!


I run more like Betty White, "Katelyn"

On an actual running note, I ran 18 on Saturday and I never thought I'd say this after running 18 miles, but I felt really good.  The soreness that I felt from running 17 the week before wasn't as bad and I just need to remember to do more stretching before and after these runs.  Also, a little shout out to Erin H. making sure that I didn't fall asleep during the movie :)

A special THANK YOU to The Jagmin's for their generous donation to the Chicago Catholic Charities.  Thank you for helping me get one step closer to my goal!

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