About Me

Chicago, IL, United States
A little over two years ago I turned in the golf shoes for a pair of running shoes, and it's been an exciting journey ever since! Within the last two years, I've run several races between Richmond, VA and Chicago, IL and now I've taken on the ambitious endeavour of running my very first Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 9, 2011! This blog will allow everyone to follow my progress as I train for this event, post comments, encouragements and thoughts.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Few Photos from Along my Path to October

Hey Everyone!  Here are a few photos I'd like to share.  Some of them are from under Lake Shore Drive at Belmont, from when I ran north along the path to Montrose Beach, photos from a clear day and when I got to meet Al Roker thanks to Catholic Charities - who I'm running for!  Enjoy and thanks for stopping by :)

I'd like to send out a big THANK YOU! to my Dad & Hope and Kate Toland for their generous donation to the Catholic Charities.  Thank you for your support of this cause and your encouragement along the way!

And for those of you curious after my last post - we've had more Phyllis sightings!