About Me

Chicago, IL, United States
A little over two years ago I turned in the golf shoes for a pair of running shoes, and it's been an exciting journey ever since! Within the last two years, I've run several races between Richmond, VA and Chicago, IL and now I've taken on the ambitious endeavour of running my very first Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 9, 2011! This blog will allow everyone to follow my progress as I train for this event, post comments, encouragements and thoughts.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Halfway There!

Sorry for the delay in writing, it's amazing how summer can just get away from you!

The last few weeks have been absolutely crazy with my running patterns.  I've had some great runs and then I've had some really, really, really bad runs.  The worst had to have been a few weeks ago when the humidity finally hit Chicago.  I was supposed to do a 12 mile run and I was excited for it when I woke up, especially after the great 12 mile one I did the week before.  However, about 3 miles into the run, I realized that it was going to be a pretty bad one.  The temperature was only 87, but the heat index made it feel like 101 degrees - YIKES!  Needless to say, when I got to 6 miles I realized that I had nothing left in me and walked home the last 6 miles.  For those of you wondering, my sunburn was AMAZING after that.

The runs I've had since then have been fairly good and within the time frame that I would hope to be.  Yesterday I did 14, which is the most that I've ever run in my entire life and I'm happy to say that I ran the entire time, bring on the other 12.2!  The time was a little slower than I would have liked, but I need to take into account the distance I'm running and the weather elements as well.

One thing that I've realized while running is that I'm absolutely OVER my current running mix on my iPod, so I'm open to suggestions.  Let me know if you have anything that you recommend!

Here are some photos from my runs over the last three weeks.  Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!


  1. ooooh, if you like pop/rap for your run I have some great stuff - Kat DeLuna - Drop it Low, Cash Cash - Sexin on the Dance Floor, Britney Spears - I wanna Go, Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger. I can look through some of my other stuff too!

  2. Thanks, E!! I'll definitely take you up on some E. Howard workout mixes!
