About Me

Chicago, IL, United States
A little over two years ago I turned in the golf shoes for a pair of running shoes, and it's been an exciting journey ever since! Within the last two years, I've run several races between Richmond, VA and Chicago, IL and now I've taken on the ambitious endeavour of running my very first Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 9, 2011! This blog will allow everyone to follow my progress as I train for this event, post comments, encouragements and thoughts.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Running Along the Green Sea!

After the intense summer storm we had last night, it's easy to confuse Lake Michigan with another body of water.  On Sunday, I was able to run along the Michigan side of Lake Michigan and it was beautiful and serene, something out of a picture.  Today was the exact opposite!  The waves were crashing up against the walls and the greenish/brown color of the water definitely made for an enjoyable run, minus the wind coming in from the north.  I really enjoy running in the not-so-ideal weather elements, it allows me to focus and take in a view of the city and lake that I rarely get to see.

Regardless, it was nice to be outside and running again after taking a brief break for some fun in Michigan!

Hopefully I'll be able to get a run in the rain in soon :)

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